Xylitol is an excellent alternative to sugar. Xilito is a source of xylitol extracted solely from the bark of the wild Finnish birch.
The main advantages are: less than 40% of calories compared to white sugar, glycemic index of 7 (68 for white sugar) and lower mouth acidity (reduced risk of caries).
Ingredients: natural sweetener (xylitol E967).
Origin: Finland (birch bark extract).
Pack of 500 g.
The body and xylitol
Xylitol is produced naturally by the body; in fact, we produce up to 15 grams of it every day. Although xylitol tastes and looks just like sugar, the comparison ends there: xylitol is the exact opposite of sugar.
Xylitol is considered to be a five-carbon sugar and therefore prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. While sugar is acidifying, xylitol is alkalising. All other forms of sugar, including sorbitol, are six-carbon sugars, which feed some harmful bacteria and fungi. Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1963, xylitol has no known toxic effects. It contains 40% fewer calories and 75% fewer carbohydrates than sugar and is absorbed and metabolised slowly (very slow assimilation), resulting in small changes in insulin levels.
Approximately one third of the xylitol consumed is absorbed in the liver. The other two-thirds passes through the intestinal tract, where it is broken down by intestinal bacteria into short-chain fatty acids. Xylitol looks, tastes and smells exactly like sugar, with no aftertaste.
Store in a cool, dry place away from light.